Kundali Matching

MATCH-MAKING (Kundali Match): 

The main reason for matching astrological charts is to ensure that the couples will have a happy and comfortable life. The astrologers look into kundalies form the viewpoint of circulation of planets. It is astrologically said that the individual personalities appear as per the circulation of planets and as the couples would stay together, their stars and planets will exert influence on their partners is checked by ‘Kundali Milaan’.

By ‘Kundali Milaan’ the nature of the person can be predicted, His/her sincerity in marriage, relationship with each other with the in-laws, sexual life and even the progeny can b predict after ‘Kundali Milaan’.

There are 8 points known as “GUNAS” which are added by matching these charts. Each guna has a specific value and quality. The sum total of all these 8 gunas come to be 36. The 8 gunas are as follows- Varna, Vashya, Taara, Yoni, Garh-Maitri, Gan, Bhakut, Nadi.

Apart from these, Manglik Vichaar, Kaal Sarp Doshas and The Malefic Effects on seventh house are also carefully studied. Too much difference in Mangals pr Malefic Effects on seventh house will result in a broken marriage.